luni, 10 noiembrie 2008


Si ce-ai vrea sa fac? Sa ma dezbrac de tot ceea ce incerc sa fiu? Sa te privesc intrebator si sa las o lacrima sarata sa plece la plimbare pe obraz? Sau poate ar fi potrivit sa cad in genunchi si sa-ti intind ultima mea speranta ambalata elegant... atunci rasuflarea mea sa fie roz si obrajii albi - imagine culeasa din arhivele jalnicului si imbecilitatii.
Si... consideri ca am semant un cec in alb cand ti-am intins mana? Nu exista NIMIC in tine care ar putea sa ma faca sa regret...orice. Chiar daca as fi sfasiata si disperarea m-ar impinge departe, te-as privi cu indiferenta si as zambi acoperita de o victorie mincinoasa.
Nu stiu ce inseamna NIMIC, nu stiu ce inseamna TOT, asadar habar nu am ce esti tu pentru mine.
Stiu doar ca nu sunt inca moarta si cand inima imi bate mai repede inseamna ca ceva SE INTAMPLA. Si iti voi descrie opusul concluziilor mele. Dezinformarea inseamna putere.
Tu esti o TREAPTA si impotriva vointei tale, m-ai ajutat sa ajung mai sus.

Daca viata ti se pare un joc...te provoc! ...vom vedea cine apasa primul pe tragaci.

miercuri, 5 noiembrie 2008

Over my head

In care dimineata nu simti ca mirosul cafelei se apropie cumva de asfaltul rece pe care urmeaza sa-l calci a nu stiu cata oara? In care dimineata entuziasmul nu e un drog care te tine in brate si te paraseste brusc imediat ce usa se inchide?
Dimineata asta! Nu e nevoie de nici un fel de avertisment pentru o cadere libera. Contractul nostru cu viata nu se poate negocia, dar putem mereu alege sa jucam murdar si sa omoram vrabiuta care ne mananca din palma, putem sa apucam soarele de-o maneca si sa facem ziua de 48 de ore. Probabil suntem sclavi in fiecare dimineata, incercam sa ne depasim conditia in jurul pranzului si seara suntem suficient de imbatraniti ca sa credem ca am reusit. Noaptea ne iubeste prea mult.

Si.. totusi e frumos. Totul este mereu nou in bolul asta vechi in care ne amestecam vietile. Iubim epavele de langa noi, oglinda ne minte cu cele mai bune intentii, inima continua sa bata.
Maine imi fac un cadou: dimineata voi fi libera,,.sa aleg robia. Scenariul e gri si chiar daca arde, nu-i vom putea nega existenta.

duminică, 27 ianuarie 2008

To freak or not to freak?

What happens when TODAY passes you by like an ex boyfriend who hates your guts? What is there to be done when TOMORROW becomes just another TODAY in a rain coat?

Seeing their faces, watching them trip through life, messing everything up and then sending their brains on vacation... It makes me doubt the base ground of humanity. I refuse to put a RANDOM label over the shape of things and even if I believed there was a path for each and everyone of us, I refuse to believe ones life is meant to mean nothing just for the greater good. Therefore I can’t help asking myself: how can we possibly know that we’re on the right track? And if we’re not, aren’t we affecting the world in it’s essence? We are not just puppets playing their parts obediently in a death-like silence. Choice is the most important ingredient of human life. But what if we're forced to turn our lives around in order to fulfill our destinies? Wouldn't this make us inhuman? Wouldn’t it leave us easy prays to despair?

How could the homeless old lady choose not to freeze out there on the streets? How could children choose not to be abandoned by their parents? How could i choose to be happy instead of restless?

The only answer i could come up with is: WE CAN'T CHOOSE OUR OWN WAY ANYMORE! And that's because we messed up. We're are killing each other. We keep each other from being happy. We cannot be ALONE. We are all stuck here on this planet and we should make the best of it. Unfortunately, it seems freedom of choice didn't exactly bring us where it was supposed to. Instead of making lemonade, we kinda made an atomic bomb with a cute umbrella on top.

Today is lost...but tomorrow may not be at all...

should we all freak out? or just keep sleeping our lives away?

Best wishes from the aisle of rumors...

despre mine

Fotografia mea
somewhere over the rainbow, Romania