am strivit un tantar. acum zace in sangele cuiva, intins pe monitor. asta a fost razbunarea mea. pentru maine... si poimaine. si poate chiar pentru la anu'.
i figured i could just dump my trash on somebody else's lawn and get away with it. it's fine, no one noticed, but i can't live with it. it's incredibly easy to find a weak, fallen target to use as a punching bag whenever things go wrong in your life. it makes you feel less responsible for the promises you break... for whatever meaningless words you shout in anger... for all those times you press DELETE instead of REPLY.
tap ispasitor... sacrificiu necesar... adica sacrifici cumva imaginea unei persoane, imagine pe care numai tu o accesezi, pentru bunastarea ta psihica. asa cum spuneai tu mereu, iti pui piedica singur si te simti mai bine cu cateva oase rupte decat in mijlocul razboiului unde e posibil sa pierzi. problema e ca, schilodindu-te nu mai exista nici macar acea mica sansa sa "te intorci barbat". da, dar ce presupune nereusita?
nu dom'le, daca nu incerci ramai undeva in grey area, nu esti nici WINNER nici LOSER esti... o victima a circumstantelor.
deci, te arunci in cap in loc sa traversezi strada si astfel... n-o sa te calce masina, nici n-o sa ajungi pe partea cealalta. o sa ai capu spart si satisfactia ca ai scapat de mega pericolul pe 4 roti. punct.
stupid walking keyboards, we press each others buttons and make sounds and paint our faces and walk the streets and then die... pretty lights fading... others lighting up... it's beautiful, but so pointless it almost hurts... and i say "almost", because i'm about to take my meds: SHIFT DEL! there we go! what was i saying?